Determining Scientific Research and Experimental
Development eligibility and wading through the submission
process can be an extremely time consuming task. If you don't
understand the process, the jargon, file the wrong paperwork,
miss a deadline, or say the wrong thing, your claim will
be denied. Many companies who have filed leave considerable
& ED eligible activities unclaimed because they lack the
thorough understanding necessary to maximize their claim. Or
they waste valuable business time trying to understand or determine
eligibility. With guidance document rules and legislation continually
evolving, it's practically impossible for most companies to
stay up to date with SR & ED refund eligibility.
Custom Business Solutions works closely
with Revenue Canada to ensure we are aware of changes or interpretations
with respect to SR & ED eligibility. We quickly identify
SR & ED-eligible projects that would otherwise be overlooked.
Our simplified process ensures you spend as little time necessary
working on your SR & ED claim. We do all the research, write
up the technical diescriptions, identify eligible costs and determine
the refund. We work with you to ensure you get what you deserve.
If you are entitled to a refund99% of our clients are!we
make sure you get it quickly, and with very little stress or
time commitment on your part.
Custom Business Solutions has a proven track
record for identifying, preparing—and, if necessary, defending—over
150 Scientific Research and Experimental Development claims every
year. We successfully file claims in every industry in excess
of $10 Million, and have never had a claim denied.
Eligibility is determined on a project-by-project
basis. Each project must satisfy three criteria:
- New knowledge was generated by resolving
technological challenges of the project.
- New knowledge was generated through a systematic
investigation by qualified personnel.
- Technological challenges of the project
could not be overcome by generally available knowledge or experience.
Custom Business Solutions specializes in identifying
the aspects of your business that meet these technological criteria.
Technical activities that qualify as SR & ED
- Design
- Engineering
- Trials under shop floor conditions
- Operations research
- Mathematical analysis
- Computer programming
- Data collection
- Testing
Activities that do not qualify as SR & ED
- Market research and sales promotion
- Quality control and routine testing
- Research in the social sciences or humanities
- Prospecting, exploring or drilling for,
or producing minerals,
petroleum or natural gas
- Commercial production of a new or improved
device or product
- Commercial use of a new or improved process
- Style changes
Custom Business Solutions has the technical
and financial skills to determine what activities qualify.
Start by looking at some of your innovative
projects and ask yourself the following questions:
- What were the technological challenges
and issues?
- Why was your investigation necessary? Was
there no other way?
- How is this work expected to advance your
company's knowledge base?
- Did you learn anything through your work
on this project?
- Do you have documents to substantiate your
work such as photographs, drawings, reports, etc.?
If you are having trouble answering these questions
that does not mean the project is ineligible.
To receive an SR & ED cash refund or
tax credit you must submit a claim to the federal and provincial
governments. Custom Business Solutions takes the following approach
in preparing a successful claim.
- We determine which projects are
eligible by interviewing the project leaders.
- We write project descriptions that
make a credible case to the government for an SR & ED cash
refund or tax credit.
- We determine the related SR & ED
- We file the appropriate government
forms and schedules.
The most important element in a successful
SR & ED claim is the project description.
You need to run your business and continue
to be innovative. Custom Business Solutions will prepare your
claim. We need you to explain your projects to us. We can take
it from there.
We will prepare the claim at no cost to you.
Custom Business Solutions works on a contingency basis. If we
determine your work to be eligible we will prepare and submit
your claim. When your claim is successful and you have received
your cash refund or tax credit from the government, then we get
paid. There is no fee for an unsuccessful claim.
The SR & ED claim deadline is 18 months from
the end of your fiscal year. The best time to make a claim is
with your regular tax return. This will get you the quickest
results in as little as 3 months. Claims filed after your regular
tax return may take as little as 6 months.

To have us e-mail you a Contingency
Agreement that you can print, sign and fax back
to us...
Here |
To download an interactive PDF
form that you can fill in on-line, save to your
hard drive, print, sign and fax back to us...,
Here |
get the ball rolling, let's speak directly. Please
call us at 905.544.5464 or 1.888.544.5467. |